Why I wrote this book
In 2002, Microsoft Research hosted an international meeting in
Cambridge, U.K., to reveal its Rotor system, which would bring C# and
.NET to non-Windows
programmers. Once back home, writing software, papers, and a book on
the topic, I
came to realize that we had witnessed the beginning of a real
revolution in
programming. Since the advent of Java in 1996, programming had become
platform-independent: with Java byte-code, programs could run anywhere.
This independence,
however, extended only to programs written in the Java language. .NET,
on the
other hand, was language-independent: it allowed programs in different
languages to
interact, but, up until that day, only on Windows.
In the ensuing five years, new platforms have come to support .NET
(Mono, for example) and new hardware has come to support Intel chips
(on which
Windows runs). The result is that .NET now runs almost anywhere.
expertise in C# programming is a very transportable skill to acquire.
But C# keeps
improving as a language, and we are currently at the beginning of a new
leap forward
into C# 3.0, which offers enormous benefits in terms of productivity
and ease of
programming. Having already written an introductory C# text in 2003,* I
that the benefits of the new features announced now in 2007, four years
later, would be
felt at a much more advanced level of software development. I wanted to
write a second
book that introduced C# 3.0 to developers who already knew the basic
what would be the formula that could introduce a language and address a
reader’s needs of precision, examples, and a heavy dose of reality?
Enter design patterns. Design patterns encapsulate common, accepted,
and proven ways of using language features together. They form a level
discourse at a higher plane, and they exercise and promote good
programming practices.
However, there is an element of unreality surrounding design patterns,
and one gets
the impression that they are more talked about than used. I wanted to
change that and make design patterns really accessible to ordinary
programmers, using the best
language for them: C# 3.0. The result is this book.
Who the book is for
If you are a programmer who loves your code, for whom
every line has a precise
meaning and every feature has a correct place, this book is for you. It
will help you
with your primary job of making your code correct, elegant, extensible,
and efficient.
If you serve the business ends of your organization by focusing on the
of your code, you need a book like C# 3.0 Design Patterns. Knowledge
about design
patterns is also a big step forward for those working up from low-level
to software engineers and architects.
Through reading this book, you will acquire skills in:
- Programming design patterns
- Basic UML modeling notation for representing patterns
- Selecting patterns appropriate for given scenarios and comparing
- Using advanced language features of C# 3.0 to realize patterns
efficiently and
Although not written as a textbook, C# 3.0 Design
Patterns could fit in
very well for
a mid-degree course on design patterns or advanced programming. The
diagrams and code for all the patterns and associated examples and
case studies
in this book can be found on the book’s web site and here.
What you need to know
This book is for programmers who know how to program in
C# 1.0 or Java 1.4 and
who would like to move on to the more modern features of the latest
language. All
the new features of C# 3.0, as well as many novel features from C# 2.0,
are introduced
by example and summarized in sidebars for easy reference. Thus, the
serves as a programmers’ guide as well.
The book does not assume any acquaintance with design
patterns. It
covers the full
set of 23 patterns that were originally proposed in Erich Gamma,
Richard Helm,
Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides’s Design
Patterns: Elements of
Reusable Object-
Oriented Software in 1994 and now form a common introductory
base to
the patterns
that are emerging in many other domains (such as security, concurrency,
architectural design). At the end of the book, the reader will have a
grounding in design patterns as they are commonly understood.
How this book is organized
After the introduction in Chapter 1, the book takes a tour through the
23 core design
patterns. Each chapter discusses two or three patterns, chosen because
they have
some common applicability and can be compared at the end of the
chapter. The patterns
are subdivided into three groups: structural, creational, and
We begin with the structural patterns, studying the Decorator, Proxy,
and Bridge
patterns in Chapter 2; the Composite and Flyweight patterns in Chapter
3; and the
Adapter and Façade patterns in Chapter 4. We then move on to the
creational patterns,
exploring the Prototype, Factory Method, and Singleton patterns in
Chapter 5
and the Abstract Factory and Builder patterns in Chapter 6. The last
four chapters
deal with the largest category, the behavioral patterns: Chapter 7
focuses on the
Strategy, State, and Template Method patterns; Chapter 8 on the Chain
of Responsibility
and Command patterns; Chapter 9 on the Iterator, Mediator, and Observer
patterns; and Chapter 10 on the Visitor, Interpreter, and Memento
patterns. Our discussion of each pattern will consist of the following
A short, high-level description of the
pattern and what it is meant to
An example of where the pattern might
be used in programming a modern
system, illustrating a real-world context with a photo or diagram to
you remember the pattern
An identification of the interconnected
players in the pattern and
their roles,
explained in a UML diagram, with links back to the key players in the
A stepwise refinement development of a
short program that illustrates
the pattern
using the terms introduced in the “Design” section
A second program that gives an example
of the pattern, usually in terms
of the
illustrative example, where the programming moves away from a strict
to the pattern terms
A discussion of real-world scenarios
where the pattern might be used,
ending with a table listing the conditions that would make its use
A list of exercises of differing
degrees of difficulty designed to
enhance your
understanding of the pattern under discussion
At the end of each chapter you will find a comparison of the
patterns discussed
therein and a discussion of how they fit in with those that have gone
The ordering of the patterns has been carefully chosen so as to
represent a gradual
progression in C# 3.0 maturity. Implementing the earlier patterns in
each section
requires very little that is not available in C# 1.0, while the later
patterns are more
sophisticated in their implementation and take advantage of more
advanced features
present in C# 3.0. This approach allows new features to be introduced
inline, as they
become relevant, rather than all at once at the start or end of the
This book is not intended to be a reference guide to the whole of C# or
even C# 3.0,
but rather to be a practical guide to using the most interesting
features of the language.
Although the emphasis is on developments in the most recent version, I
pick out some features of C# 1.0 and 2.0 that I think are really useful
but that are
not often employed in code. The list of C# features explicitly covered
follows this
Special features of this book
• Pictorial illustrations of patterns, to help you focus on the meaning
of what each pattern can accomplish in real life
• Quizzes that relate the illustrations to the UML diagrams
• Uncluttered “theory” code that can be adapted to many situations
• Tables that give guidance on when to choose a specific pattern
• Comparison tables for patterns that are similar, showing how they
• Lists of the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each
• Challenges and exercises to help you take your knowledge further
What You Need to Use This Book
To run the programs in this book, you need:
• A computer that will run Windows XP or Vista.
Compatible platforms are any PC or Intel-based Mac with a virtual
• Microsoft’s .NET Framework 3.5. As of October 2007, this version is
still in Beta 2, but it is very stable now. It is available at
• A program editor or programming environment. Visual Studio 2008 is an
ideal companion to C# 3.0 programming, but it is not essential.
• The C# 3.0 reference documentation, available on the Microsoft web
site (, 529 pages).
All the programs in this book were prepared on an iMac
Intel Core 2 Duo running Mac OS X 10.4 and 5 (Tiger and Leopard) and
Windows XP on top of the Parallels virtual machine. The editor used was
Finding What You Need
This book is intended to serve as a learning resource. In learning
about C# 3.0 and design patterns, there will be times when you will
need to find a particular feature or a related pattern. These tables
are given in Chapter 11 for easy reference. The UML class diagram
notation is covered in Chapter 1. You will also find that there are a
few programs that, for space reasons, are not presented in full in the
text. These are all included in the Appendix.
Using Code Examples
This book is here to help you get your job done. In
general, you may use the code in
this book in your programs and documentation. You do not need to
contact us for
permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code.
For example,
writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does
not require
permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples from O’Reilly
books does
require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and
quoting example
code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of
code from this book into your product’s documentation does require
We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually
includes the
title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “C# 3.0 Design
Patterns, by Judith
Bishop. Copyright 2008 Judith Bishop, 978-0-596-52773-0.”
If you think your use of code examples falls outside
fair use or the
permission givenabove, feel free to contact us at
My first thanks are to John Osborn, my editor at
O’Reilly, for keeping the faith and
getting this book out on time. His care and expertise are much
appreciated. To Jeff
Pepper, who signed up the book quite a while ago, thanks as well. I’m
sorry we could
not see the project through together. Thanks also to the reviewers,
Eric Lippert, Jim
Whitehead, Stefan Gruner, and Pierre-Henri Kuaté, whose
insightful comments—no
holds barred—led to many revisions but an ultimately much better book.
My department
at the University of Pretoria provided me with the latest equipment,
and my
colleagues gave me the time to really concentrate when I needed to. In
particular I
thank Jan Eloff for his support and friendship. To Carlo Ghezzi of the
Politecnico di
Milano, who graciously hosted me for the summer of 2007, when much of
the first
draft was written, grazie mille.
My former students Hans Lombard and
D-J Miller
helped at very short notice with some of the examples, and I really
appreciated their
fresh minds and dedication to the task.
Writing this book would have been a much less enjoyable
experience without the
constant support and interest of my talented friends Nigel Horspool,
Rob Koenig,
and Rudolph Vosser. They never knew quite when the book would really be
but now it is. And finally, to my mother, my sons, and my family, whose
and joie de vivre kept me
going on this (yet another) book—thank you.